‘We Care, We Share, We Value’

Reading at Home

Reading in Y5                         

It’s important at this age that your child is encouraged to develop a love of reading. This will help to build a strong foundation for learning when they go to into Year 6, secondary school and for later life.  Within class, children will read regularly, including through guided reading sessions, where the children build up their vocabulary, decoding, retrieving and inference skills, amongst others. The children are also given opportunities to read regularly throughout the school day. We recognise that reading is an important life skill, but we also wish our children to leave school with a real love of reading that will stay with them for life.

There are lots of eBooks for your children to enjoy on the following link: https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/

Please follow the links below to find out how your child will read at school and how you can help at home.



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