‘We Care, We Share, We Value’

Year 1 2024 - 2025


Welcome to the Year 1 Class page!

Working in Year 1 this year will be Ms Birch, Miss Chauveau, Mrs Brown and Miss Owens. On this page, you will find any information regarding Year 1, including the curriculum being delivered and the achievements of the children. 


Homework will be uploaded to SeeSaw each Thursday. If you would prefer a paper copy then please speak to either Ms Birch or Mrs Brown. Homework will include a piece of Maths work, weekly spellings and weekly reading or phonics. Children are expected to read daily with an adult, with at least two sessions being recorded in their reading diary. Reading books and reading diaries should be in school daily for support with learning. 


Children are to bring their PE kits in a pump bag at the start of each half term and keep them in school. PE kits consist of a white t-shirt, blue shorts and black pumps. In the colder months children can wear a dark tracksuit, or a school jumper or cardigan over the top of their PE kit. Year 1's PE days for the Autumn term are Mondays and Wednesdays. 



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Year 1: Gallery items

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