Year 3 2024 - 2025
Welcome to our Year 3 Class page!
Our teacher is Mr Beech and our teaching assisstants are Miss Dilsworth and Ms Palacio. We hope you enjoy sharing in our learning and celebrating our achievements with us this year!
Homework will be uploaded to Seesaw every Wednesday. Paper copies will be available to those children who request them. Homework should be completed for the following Monday. Homework consists of a piece of Maths, a piece of writing or a reading task and spellings. Children are expected to read their school reading book daily to an adult and record this is their reading diary. Additional reading of choice may also be recorded in the reading diary. Reading diaries should be brought into school daily.
Children are to bring their PE kits in a pump bag at the start of each half term and keep them in school. PE kits consist of a white t-shirt, blue shorts and black pumps. In the colder months children can wear a dark tracksuit, or a school jumper or cardigan over the top of their PE kit. Our PE days for the Autumn term are Monday and Tuesday.
Monday |
Reading Times Tables Rock Stars |
Homework due from previous week. |
Tuesday |
Reading Times Tables Rock Stars |
Wednesday |
Reading Times Tables Rock Stars |
New homework given. |
Thursday |
Reading Times Tables Rock Stars |
Friday |
Reading Times Tables Rock Stars |