What makes a good Geography pupil at Holy Cross?
An awareness of, and interest in, the cultural richness which surrounds them at Holy Cross and a fascination with the diverse world which surrounds them. A strong knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s key human and physical processes. A developing interest and inquisitiveness in maps and mapping skills. A skillful competence in the geographical skills required of a Geographer in fieldwork, able to analyse data and a range of information from geographical sources as well as being able to apply and communicate their findings in a geographical manner.
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Geography at Holy Cross |
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Intent |
Our Geography curriculum at Holy Cross will provide the opportunity for children to discover an interest in geography and to develop their understanding of the world . We will provide and encourage the opportunity for all children to have the skills required to be a geographer. Children will have an opportunity to access a range of geographical resources. We will provide an opportunity for children to complete practical activities as well as encourage them to understand more about their local community and the wider world. We will widen children’s vocabulary both in terms of geographical language but also descriptive language through their response to the world around them. |
Implementation |
Provide educational visits linked to geography learning where applicable . Building cultural capital of all individuals by giving children the opportunity to explore the local, national and global environments. Children given opportunity develop a range of geography skills: to use geographical resources, to use fieldwork and observation skills, to understand the local area, to read compass and grid references. Succinct assessment based on key skills and understanding which ensures learning is well pitched and matched to individual needs Use cross curricular links where possible to enhance knowledge of geography. Follow a clearly sequenced and progressive program of study based on the National Curriculum objectives. High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individuals and shows a clear progression of skills and learning across year groups. |
Impact |
Children confidently apply their geographical skills and knowledge to other areas of learning. Children enjoy geography lessons and are confident to use a range of geographical resources. Children can use a range of geographical resources with increasing confidence; compasses, maps, globes, grid references. Pupils have a wide geographical vocabulary and use geographical terms to study and compare locations. Children are prepared for the next stage of their geography learning. Children talk confidently about their learning in geography using appropriate and technical vocabulary. Demonstrate an interest in geography and talk confidently about human and physical resources in the local and wider area. |
Geography in the Early Years Foundation stage
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of geography, people and communities through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World’.
Children learn about features of their own environment such as school, home, community and their city through first hand experiences and learn how environments may differ through the sharing of books, stories, poems, small world play, role play and visits. Children enjoy the valuable experiences gained from our regular trips to places within their local community such as the library, park and local shops as well as joining in with the annual celebration of the city of Liverpool ‘Global Scouse Day’. Children are given time to discuss, comment and ask questions about what they observe about the world around them and are encouraged to be active learners and explore their interests further.
How do pupils learn?
Class timetables have been built to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum.
Subjects have been blocked in a spaced retrieval model to support catch up and to build the frequency of science and wider curriculum subjects. This maximises learning time
DT has been timetabled in an extended session to enable children to have time to develop depth.
Retrival Practise
Retrieval practise is planned into the curriculum through spaced learning and interleaving and as part of considered task design by the class teacher. Teaching and learning resources and provided for class teachers so they can focus their time on subject knowledge and task design.
Within Geography all pupils will take part in all the lesson sequences, but we need to be clear about the critical core content for pupils with SEND.
As part of the planning and preparation for the delivery of each block, teachers will need to consider how specific activities, or the delivery, may need to be adjusted to ensure that pupils with SEND are able to access the materials and participate fully in the lesson.
Pupils with language and communication difficulties (including those with ASD) may need additional visual prompts to help them understand what is expected of them. The task could be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks and individual task boards used to demonstrate these.
Some pupils may have sensory sensitivities. For those pupils, adjustments may need to be made in order for them to access materials.
Pupils who have difficulties with tasks requiring fine motor skills may need appropriate adjustments to be made to enable them to access the task and / or in order to keep them safe.
Knowledge notes will also be chunked to ensure learners understand key content.
This will then lead to our assessment framework. Some pupils may show extended knowledge and be skilful with it from other lessons.