Social, Emotional and Mental Health and Wellbeing
Sometimes children need support with Social, Emotional and Mental Health
At Holy Cross we are promoting the Health and Well-Being of children as we understand that a healthy body and mind will enable the child to reach their full potential to become a lifelong learner. Holy Cross has achieved the Wellbeing Award for Schools.
Mental health is how we feel, how we think and how we behave. Mental Health Promotion for children and is everybody’s business. At Holy Cross, we recognise that all children and adults need the foundation of positive mental health to benefit fully from all of the opportunities available to them.
It is about:
- being able to form and maintain relationships with others
- being adaptable to change and other people’s expectations
- being able to have fun
- being open to learning
- being able to develop a sense of right and wrong
- being able to develop the resilience to manage ordinary setbacks
All children and adults need to:
- be able to Connect with others by participating in groups and teams
- know they are Capable and able to achieve
- know they Count in their world and can contribute to their community
- know they have Courage and can manage risks appropriately
Everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable. At times, anyone may need additional support to maintain or develop good mental health.
The mental health of children and adults in school, parents and carers and the wider whole school community will impact on all areas of development, learning, achievement and experiences. All children have the right to be educated in an environment that supports and promotes positive mental health for everybody. All adults have the right to work in an environment that supports and promotes positive mental health for everybody.
Holy Cross provides a learning environment that promotes and enhances positive mental health. A consistent approach means that the school environment and school ethos all promote the mental health of the whole school community. Healthy relationships underpin positive mental health and have a significant impact.
A mentally healthy environment has:
- a clear and agreed ethos and culture that accords value and respect to all
- a commitment to being responsive to children and young people’s needs
- clearly defined mental health links in school policies
- clear guidelines for internal and external referrals
- strong links with external agencies to provide access to support and information
- a named lead for mental health promotion with the expectation that there is support and involvement and an ethos that ‘mental health is everyone’s business’
A mentally healthy environment is a place where children and young people:
- have opportunities to participate in activities that encourage belonging
- have opportunities to participate in decision-making
- have opportunities to celebrate academic and non-academic achievements
- have their unique talents and abilities identified and developed
- have opportunities to develop a sense of worth through taking responsibility for themselves and others
- have opportunities to reflect
- have access to appropriate support that meets their needs
- have a right to be in an environment that is safe, clean, attractive and well cared for
- are surrounded by adults who model positive and
- appropriate behaviours, interactions and ways of relating at all times
A mentally healthy environment is a place where staff:
- have their individual needs recognised and responded to in a holistic way
- have a range of strategies that support their mental health, e.g. a named person to speak to, signposting
- have recognition of their work-life balance
- have the mental health and well-being of the whole staff reviewed regularly
- feel valued and have opportunities to contribute to decision-making processes
- celebrate and recognise success
- are able to carry out roles and responsibilities effectively
- are provided with opportunities for CPD both personally and professionally
- have their unique talents and skills recognised and opportunities are provided for development
- have time to reflect
- can access proactive strategies and systems to support them at times of emotional needs in both the short term and the long term
A mentally healthy environment is a place where parents/carers:
- are recognised for their significant contribution to children and young people’s mental health
- are welcomed, included and work in partnership with schools and agencies
- are provided with opportunities where they can ask for help when needed
- are signposted to appropriate agencies for support
- are clear about their roles and expectations of their responsibilities in working in partnership with schools
- opinions are sought and valued and responded to
- strengths and difficulties are recognised, acknowledged and challenged appropriately
A mentally healthy environment is a place where the whole school community:
- is involved in promoting positive mental health
- is valued for the role it plays in promoting positive mental health
- contributes towards the ethos of the school
Here are some of the things we do at Holy Cross to support children’s social, emotional and mental health:
We provide opportunities that promote positive mental health, through the standard curriculum and extended provision:
Circle Time,
PSHE curriculum,
Play Therapy,
Nurture Groups,
Talking Partners,
Early identification of needs through a graduated approach to teaching and learning,
Differentiated learning activities,
Visual timetables,
Effective Accessibility,
Behaviour Policy,
SEND & Inclusion and Teaching & Learning Policies,
Additional Support.
If your child is have issues with their social, emotional or mental health, then they may need support with:
· Attendance
· Attention and listening skills
· Low self-esteem
· Managing anger
· Forming and maintaining relationships
· Depression
· Bereavement
· Life outside school
Your child may benefit from:
· Behaviour support
· Health Care Plan
· Buddy System
· Playground support
· Access to quiet areas
· Family Support
· Pastoral support and guidance from a key member of staff
· Lego Therapy
· Suppot from the School Nurse
· School-based Play Therapy sessions
· Support, advice & training from specialists
Here are some sites that have useful information for parents:
Parent leaflet – mental health of children