Online Safety

Online Safety
Keep your child safe online . . .
Our Digital Leaders are pupil monitors for the technology we use; they are digital role models. Their job is to be advocates for responsible positive behaviour with technology. They support peers and teachers where ever possible and showcase a range of digital skills. Most importantly, they trained to develop their own skills so as these can be shared amongst the whole school community. Our Digital Leaders will
- Demonstrate computing skills to children/parents
- Share online safety knowledge
- Support their peers
- Be digital ambassadors
- Gather pupil voice and with adult support, address any pupil concerns around online safety
At Holy Cross, we know how important staying safe is, and we know you’re always keen to promote ways to stay safe at home, too. Safe and responsible use of the internet is something which is growing and growing in importance – so please do take an active approach at home to promote your child’s online safety.
Online safety is a key part of our curriculum for both Computing and Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). As teachers and parents, we’re aware of the ways in which the use of social media, online gaming and the internet have become part of young people’s lives. We embrace the educational and social benefits of these new technologies and encourage responsible internet use. We’re also increasingly aware of the potential dangers and opportunities for misuse these technologies offer. The key to promoting online safety is open and honest discussions about the sites we’re using and the ways we’re using them – keep the dialogue open with your children about their internet use.
At Holy Cross we take Online Safety very seriously. Within the school network, all our computers and email systems are monitored to ensure our children stay safe online. The internet connection at school is filtered and protected using the most up to date technologies to help ensure that we provide quality access to the internet to enhance learning.
We have an Online Safety policy along with acceptable use policies for staff and pupils, these are available to view on our school polices page.
We all realise how important it is to keep our children safe when they are online and using the internet. Please have a look at information videos aimed at supporting parents.
Below you can find lots of tips and advice on how each member of the family can stay as safe as possible when surfing the web. Click on these links:
Parent Safe - Keeping your child safe online and beyond
Online Safety Resources for Parents
Net Aware by NSPCC - find out how to make apps safe
How to set up parental controls for your child’s online activities
Government advice for Parents on cyberbullying
Signs that your child may be getting radicalised online
Protect your child from online grooming
What you need to know about sexting
Information about online gaming
Digital Resilience guides for Parents