‘We Care, We Share, We Value’

Art & Design

What makes a good Art and Design pupil at Holy Cross?

A passion for trying new techniques with a willingness to make mistakes in order to improve.  An ability to investigate and learn from artists in order to replicate and then use techniques and ideas.  An ability to reflect honestly and accurately on own work.


Art and Design at Holy Cross


High quality and purposeful Art and Design will stimulate creativity and imagination.

It gives children an opportunity to understand the world through visual and tactile experiences and gives them opportunities to explore the world around them by expressing what they see, feel and think through colour, texture, pattern and line and by using different materials and processes.

Art and design will enhance pupils understanding of contextual knowledge within other curriculum subjects by broadening their experiences and use of vocabulary.


High quality teaching that is appropriately pitched to individuals and develops subject specific vocabulary.

 Providing a range of mediums for children to explore.

 Children given opportunity to develop a range of artistic skills: create and evaluate.

 Enrichment opportunities such as extra-curricular clubs.

 Succinct assessment based on key skills and understanding which ensures learning is well pitched and matched to individual needs.

 Art has a high profile within the school community and children enjoy regular lessons that are highly valued.

Follow a clearly sequenced and progressive program of study based on the National Curriculum objectives.

 Nurturing a resilient learning attitude towards art.


 Children discover new interests and talents.

Children confidently apply their artistic knowledge to other areas of learning.

 Outcomes at the end of each Key Stage is good or better.

 Children understand how culture and history links to art.

Pupils develop a wider vocabulary and use descriptive language in response to art.

 Children enjoy art lessons and are confident to ‘have a go’.

 Demonstrate a love or appreciation of art and talk with increasing confidence about a range of genres and artists.

 Children talk confidently about their learning in Art using appropriate and technical vocabulary.

Art and Design in the Early Years Foundation Stage

Children use what they have learnt about media and materials in original ways, thinking about uses and purposes.

They represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through design and technology, art, music, dance, role-play and stories.

How do pupils learn?

Retrival Practise

Retrieval practise is planned into the curriculum through spaced learning and interleaving and as part of considered task design by the class teacher.  Teaching and learning resources and provided for class teachers so they can focus their time on subject knowledge and task design. 


Within Art ad Design all pupils will take part in all the lesson sequences, but we need to be clear about the critical core content for pupils with SEND. 

As part of the planning and preparation for the delivery of each block, teachers will need to consider how specific activities, or the delivery, may need to be adjusted to ensure that pupils with SEND are able to access the materials and participate fully in the lesson.

Pupils with language and communication difficulties (including those with ASD) may need additional visual prompts to help them understand what is expected of them. The task could be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks and individual task boards used to demonstrate these.

Some pupils may have sensory sensitivities. For those pupils, adjustments may need to be made in order for them to access materials. 

Pupils who have difficulties with tasks requiring fine motor skills may need appropriate adjustments to be made to enable them to access the task and / or in order to keep them safe.

Knowledge notes will also be chunked to ensure learners understand key content.

This will then lead to  our assessment framework.  Some pupils may show extended knowledge and be skilful with it from other lessons.


Useful Art and Design Links

National Curriculum - Primary Art and Design

Art UK 

Access Art


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