‘We Care, We Share, We Value’

International Dimension


International School Award

Holy Cross has been awarded the British Council’s International School Award.

The award is given to schools that include international work as part of the curriculum and those that embed it within their culture. This is a great starting point to looking at the heritage that already exists in our school and the work we have done so far in building links with an overseas partner school.

The Connecting Classrooms Project is supporting our global learning and helping us to understand the big issues that shape our world: issues like climate change, gender equality and how to live sustainably affect us all — and connect us all — wherever we are in the world. This will help to equip our pupils with the knowledge, skills
and attitudes they need to make a positive contribution.


As the demography of our community changes and the opportunities to travel and work globally increase, it is crucially important for our pupils to gain a deeper awareness, understanding and acceptance of different cultures and traditions.We aim for our pupils to welcome and embrace the diversity around them locally and globally, enabling them to become informed, accepting, outward looking global citizens. 

Learning is carefully planned and sequenced within and across year groups. It is centred around specific units of study which take their lead from the Geography curriculum, and from this year, also through collaborative projects with our partner schools regionally and Worldwide.